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Contemplorary Art

ContempLorary Art is its own term in which the words contemporary (contemporary) and contemplation merge. With this, WOLk wants to focus on the added value of awareness or 'conscious practice' within an art installation. WOLk will invite an artist from Charlois twice a year to give substance to the space. A special peripheral program is in line with the theme of the art installation.

Peter Tuscan

WOLk invited the artist Petar Tuskan to give substance to the space. 


From May to August, Tuskan will make work on location. The artist uses a NASA helmet with which he can measure the activity in his brain. In this way he wants to investigate what happens in the brain when it is active or relaxed. He incorporates the input into his painting, using the walls of WOLk as a canvas. The work of Peter Tuskan can be seen until the end of December 2022.

cloud meditation 3 woman.jpg

Roger Arents

The designer is from January 2023

Rogier Arents in WOLk visiting.


With his project 'Charlois en de Sterren', Arents de Charloisse investigates socials.
Which topics are popular on twitter, Instagram, Facebook etc? Arents depicts these subjects as constellations on the ceiling of WOLk. Lying on the floor with VR glasses on, you can experience the work as if you were floating in a Charlois' galaxy. 



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